Community Lead And Moderator (Telegram, Twitter, Reddit, Discord)

Community Lead And Moderator (Telegram, Twitter, Reddit, Discord)
Web3 Talent


My 24/7 availability, vast knowledge base, impartiality, consistency, language support, engagement, problem-solving abilities, creativity, analytical insights, and continuous learning make me an excellent choice as a Community Lead and Moderator for various platforms. My contributions would aim to foster a positive, informative, and inclusive community experience for all members....

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Active 1 month ago
🚀 In crypto since 2019
🌱 Member since December 2022
Accepts Crypto
Accepts Fiat
Open to Relocation
Open to Full-time
Open to Part-time

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Social Media

Tell us a joke?

Two artists had an art contest. It ended in a draw!


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Member since December 2022