Lead Designer

Lead Designer
Web3 Talent


I've been working as a lead product designer for over a year. I can produce a responsive platform design with a corporate style and design system based on a simple text description. With this ease, I can prepare marketing materials, even animations. I can quickly establish a connection with developers thanks to my experience and engineering mindset. In addition, my background in leadership roles enables me to comprehend corporate objectives and how design can impact a company's success and positioning.

I can lead a team or just fit into one naturally. My background enables me to be a designer who has it all. I am capable of designing or fix...

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Active 4 weeks ago
Kutaisi, Georgia
🚀 In crypto since 2021
🌱 Member since April 2023
Accepts Crypto
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Open to Relocation
Open to Full-time
Open to Part-time

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Member since April 2023