Partnerships & Business Development Manager - Gaming and Metaverse

Partnerships & Business Development Manager - Gaming and Metaverse
Web3 Talent

Fully immersed in the Web 3.0 space since IDOs were popular back in 2017. Have a keen eye in identifying and educating potential partners on how blockchain can help improve KPIs for their businesses. Always have a partner first mentality in ensuring all partners win and motto is "we win if you win." P2E + Metaverse is only continuing to grow as Web 3.0 evolves and always an advocate of onboarding new partners. Paying attention to detail is key as I am a firm believer in knowing your customer before onboarding them....

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Active 3 months ago
New Jersey
🌱 Member since January 2022
Open to Full-time
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Open to Relocation
Accepts Fiat
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Member since January 2022