Software Engineer

Software Engineer
Web3 Talent


Fifteen years of experience in design, development, and delivery of distributed enterprise scale systems, with proficiency in leadership, decision making and project management.

Specialized in frontend, REST APIs and system architecture. Strongly focused on quality, user experience and optimization.

Self-motivated cryptocurrency enthusiast, excited to switch career from Web2 to Web3....

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🌱 Member since February 2023
JavascriptTypescriptJavaRubyDartReactReduxRelayAngularMaterialUIReactQueryNodeJsWebpackBabelJestPlaywrightPuppeteerESLintPrettierExpressJsHTMLSCSSWeb WorkersReact NativeCordovaHTTPRESTGraphQLOAuth2PostgreSQLMySQLOracleMongoDBRedisGitHubHuskyCommitLintTravisCIJenkinsDataDogSentryGoogle CloudScrumCode ReviewB TestingDesignOptimizationLeadership
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Member since February 2023