During my experience as a Product Manager it has been my honour to launch multiple software solutions with significant utility for various customers. I have developed and supported self-service data platforms for providing enterprise level analytics and ensuring easy access to data for over hundreds of users across the enterprise level. I developed risk & fraud management solutions that added transaction security to thousands of customers and interfaced with payment processors PayPal & PayFast. I used Jira and Confluence for backlogs and roadmaps, and design and process mapping were from Miro, Visio, and Lucidchart. Looking back those experie...
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😺 Applying for jobs is a full-time gig. I’ve even started clocking in and out, but the HR department (my cat) is not impressed with my productivity. 👨❤💋👨 Unemployed and applying for jobs is like dating, but every date is a job interview, and the only love you get is from the 'We regret to inform you' emails.
Member since December 2024