Hydrogen Jobs

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Hydrogen is on a mission to help billions of people around the globe get access to better, cheaper, more transparent, and lower cost financial products. While you are here, you will work on groundbreaking parts of FinTech. Join our young, fun, and fast moving company in the heart of the Flatiron District in beautiful New York City! Some of the awesome parts of Hydrogen include:

Chemistry Lab: work one day a week on any project in the company or any new innovation project of your choosing!

Hydro: the fastest growing blockchain platform in financial services, you can literally shape the future of finance!

Growth Hacking: every Hydrogen team member plays a part in user growth, customer success, and new marketing initiatives. No idea is too crazy!

Periodic Table of Culture: all team members abide by the Hydrogen Period Table of Culture, 22 ways to better the community, themselves, and the financial world.

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