Chief Marketing Officer

We are building an omnichain interoperability DEX Aggregator & Stableswap on Layerzero. Swap any asset between any chain without bridging.

Job Description

Your main goal = Grow our community. You will be expected to know how to grow a community substantially, yet with a lean budget. Almost anyone can throw money at it and get some results. We’re looking for someone savvy and experienced who gets cost efficient results.

Here’s what you’ll be expected to do on the Marketing side:

  • Create and execute the marketing strategy with a lean budget.
  • Shape the messaging of the company - what we say and how we say it
  • Prepare content plans and article briefs, website etc.
  • Write content - you will be expected to write some content, as well as be super good at directing and editing writers to create stellar content for blogs, articles, PR, and socials. If you can’t do this at a high level, please DO NOT APPLY TO THIS POSITION.
  • Grow and manage the community
  • Mods management (what to say, how to say, what not to say, efficiency and professionalism, accuracy of information etc)
  • Manage external agencies that provide social media management and content
  • Oversee content (plans, topics, directing and editing of content)
  • Help plan and shape various initiatives for community engagement and growth hacking, then execute those initiatives.
  • Create marketing decks

Listed in: Web3 Jobs, DeFi Web3 Jobs, Marketing Crypto Jobs.

70 applications

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