⭐ Featured Opportunity

Content Writer

Crypto Jobs List is the #1 crypto community to find and post 🔗 blockchain jobs.

Hi 👋 I'm Raman and I created Crypto Jobs List (aka CJL). Currently, CJL is just a one-man show and I'm super grateful to all the people who've been helping me along the way!

Let me tell you a story of how it got started 👇 So, around October 2017, when my previous startups were not working out, I've decided that I should start looking for an engineering job in crypto companies. At some point, I thought — "why not create a site, were all crypto jobs could be found?" 🤔

So I took a weekend off, wrote a super simple site and had 0 expectations for it. I thought no one will care and the site will die off in a week or so… But it took off! 🚀 Since then CJL helped over 100+ companies and a 10-20k+ people that are seeking jobs. I hope it will help you too!

Hi there! I'm Raman, founder of Crypto Jobs List — the site you are currently reading this job post on 😸

I hope it's not your first time on the site, and you've been getting value out of it!

Today, I'd like to get some of your help.

I strongly believe that everyone should be doing what they are passionate about and what they are best at. So for me, it's coding. And for you, I hope, it's writing an engaging, beautiful content that people would love to read to the end, share with friends, and come back and re-read it again and again over the years.

As you might have guessed by now, I'm looking for a content writer. Or several. We'd love to cover the topic of jobs in crypto, blockchain companies, remote crypto jobs, and so forth.

Please apply with:

  1. YouTube link with a 1-minute video of you presenting yourself, what makes you excited and what makes you tick.
  2. A 600+ word story, describing "blockchain developer jobs" and opportunities in the space.
  3. List of questions you'd ask somone who got a job through Crypto Jobs List. Context: as a part of the job, you'll be writing success stories from people who successfully landed a job via CJL. To make such stories engaging, you'll have to ask several engaging questions that other job seekers would actually be interested in reading.
  4. Link to your Twitter and Blog.
  5. Anything else you'd like to mention :)

Listed in: Crypto Jobs, .

4 applications

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