⭐ Featured Opportunity

Developer Evangelist

Torus Labs logoTorus Labs

Oct 20

Torus Labs is a VC-backed company that works on applied cryptography and we specialise in private key management software. Our company vision is to proliferate the usage of cryptographic keys to enable use cases that empower the individual. Our solution allows for applications to setup a public key infrastructure while maintaining flows that end-users are familiar with. 
Before embarking on Torus the founding team worked on different Ethereum Foundation projects including ENS and Plasma research. We're heavily execution-driven, flexible and impact-focused. Our aim is to provide a seamless user experience to the applications that integrate us, ultimately driving adoption in the ecosystem. You will work hands-on on Torus, various tools and rapidly deliver innovative solutions.
A developer evangelist that we are looking for is a specific role within a company's engineering team that is focused on bridging internal and external communications. The developer evangelist typically maintains a presence as an "ambassador" for the company, interacting with the outside world through social media and in person.
A developer evangelist is also known as a technology evangelist, technical evangelist or technology advocate.
Your responsibility is essentially going out into the community to spread the news about what Torus is doing, build relationships, and participate in a kind of "developer ecosystem." Part of this job would often entail communicating with both corporate developers, and those working on open-source technologies who are unconnected to a proprietary license product and brand.
Main Responsibilities:
To secure platform adoption and revenue growth through evangelism, community engagement, relationship marketing and a vibrant solutions ecosystem.
To help produce content, documentations and help support the Torus community.

Listed in: Web3 Jobs, .

42 applications

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