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Subgraph Developer (The Graph)

Levinswap logoLevinswap

May 28

Levinswap, developed & maintained by the LightningDAO, is an AMM DEX on the xDai chain. Its uniqueness comes from the ability to trade securities tokens, specifically, tokenized real estate tokens. We've partnered up with RealT - tokenized real estate investment platform and by using our exchange, users can freely trade, provide liquidity and even farm with RealT tokens.

LightningDAO's mission is to build cross-chain DeFi ecosystem under one umbrella. These protocols residing on different chains will be connected via:

1. Bridged between them (Omnibridge, DAI bridge, Connext etc.)

2. LEVIN token

LEVIN is a governance token for the LightningDAO. There will only be one token created for the entire ecosystem. This unifies different chains into one, whole ecosystem.

We're looking for experienced Subgraph developer.


- Able to fix errors associated with subgraph deployment i.e. deploy


What subgraphs need to be deployed:

- MasterChef (MasterLevin) & SushiBar (LevinBar)

Listed in: Web3 Jobs, .

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