Business Operations Specialist (SE Asia)

Web3 Talent

I believe relevant experience and in forth industry knowledge make me a perfect candidate for this role. I have been working to develop a protocol for the exchange of audio and video content using DLT, blockchain, and P2P file sharing. The protocol uses a variety of advanced solutions to perform, scale, and maintain security. I think it is important to note that I see myself as a passionate learner and a driven problem solver. I would be thrilled to work with any of your teams. Please contact me at your earliest convenience so we may discuss further. ...

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Active over a week ago
🌱 Member since May 2020
Open to Part-time
Open to Full-time
Open to Relocation
Accepts Fiat
Accepts Crypto

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May 17, 2020

COO at AVXChange

I have known ----- since 2013. We met in the Philippines. I have noticed ----- has a big heart, thin...see more.

Member since May 2020