Customer Support Specialist (Part Time)

Web3 Talent

215 Bridge Avenue Windsor, ON, N9B2M1 91-953-067-0661 [email protected]

Hiring Manager CryptoTrader.Tax

Dear Hiring Manager,

Thank you for the opportunity to apply for the Customer Support Specialist role at your company. After reviewing your job description, it's clear that you're looking for a candidate that is extremely familiar with the responsibilities associated with the role, and can perform them confidently. Given these requirements, I am certain that I have the necessary skills to successfully do the job adeptly and perform above expectations.

I am a detail-oriented college student...

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Active over a week ago
🌱 Member since January 2021
Open to Part-time
Open to Full-time
Open to Relocation
Accepts Fiat
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Member since January 2021