Obsessed with crypto and NFT's. I have actual experience buying and selling NFT's. I have experience playing Axie Infinity, recently started my own scholarship. I am constantly online between crypto twitter and discord. I enjoy following the latest crypto and nft news and trends. I have 3 years of social managing experience as well as recently creating my own Discord server....
Owner @ South-Light studio
----- is a fantastic brain in the crypto space, who invests lots of time into the world of nft/crypt...see more.
Property manager - Airbnb
I've known ----- for about 12 years. I regard him as one of my closest friends. He commits himself e...see more.
Owner at Light Switches
We used to live together. ----- is dedicated to his job and whatever he puts his mind to. Living wi...see more.
Director of Development @ Ubuntu Football
----- and I have been friends for 6 years now. We’ve walked through many seasons together and I’ve s...see more.
Member since October 2021