Marketing Assistant

Web3 Talent

I would be great for this job because I already have a lot of experience in marketing and social media plus a strong interest in cryptocurrency. I also love gaming and this new world of gaming in the crypto space is very fascinating! The relevant experience I have is being a small business owner for my own company staywavin, where I sold hair accessories. In my small online business I had to learn everything there is to running a online brand. Marketing, copywriting, fulfilling orders, answering emails from customers and helping them if they had any issues. I created my own Shopify store where I sold my products on and drove traffic from Fac...

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Active 2 years ago
Gresham, Oregon
🌱 Member since December 2021
Open to Full-time
Open to Part-time
Open to Relocation
Accepts Fiat
Accepts Crypto

Social Media


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Member since December 2021