For the last 3 years I have been running a digital marketing agency. My focus is on getting clients through cold outreach, social media marketing, and audience building.
Throughout the course of business I have successfully contacted many high level players. This includes the CEO of Salesforce and the owner of the Dallas Mavericks.
I've been in the crypto space since there was only Bitcoin. I have a deep understanding of crypto and network effects.
I will grow your project fast and give you a coherent strategy. Genius is only as good as its presentation....
One day, the bishop of a kingdom came to a king and asked him to expel the Jews. The king liked the Jews, but he was pressured by the bishop. They came to a compromise-if the Jews could answer three questions, they could stay. The bishop decided on the questions: "What is the center of the world?" "What is the king worth?" "What has the king never seen?" The king sent for the head rabbi of the kingdom and presented him with the situation. "All good and well," said the rabbi, "but one who asks must know the answers himself." The king summoned the bishop, who started sweating and asked for some time. He went to the rabbi's house and knocked on the door. Eventually the rabbi's servant answered and led him to the chamber of the rabbi, who was sitting on an egg which he had painted gold. "What's this?" said the bishop. "I am hatching this golden egg and I don't have time for your riddles," said the rabbi. The bishop prevailed on him, until the rabbi relented. "I will go out and get you the answers," he said, "but you must sit on the golden egg for me while I am gone. And give me your clothes, I will need them." Having no choice, the bishop gave the rabbi his clothes and sat upon the golden egg. The rabbi proceeded to the palace and to the king's chamber. There he produced a globe and pointed at their city on it. "Since the world is round, the center of the world is anywhere on it. Our city is the center of the world." "As for the king's worth"-he produced the bishop's crucifix, and the king bowed-"it is somewhat less than the worth of this crucifix. And as for what the king has never seen before, please follow me to my home, and I will show you a bishop attempting to hatch an egg."
Member since February 2022