Content Writer-DeFi/Educational-Freelance/Full Time

Web3 Talent

Dear Horizon Protocol team, I am highly interested in becoming a part of your freelancing team. My background and skills in economic and cryptocurrency writing will prove to be an effective match for your qualifications. I have excellent writing skills, as well as proficiency in English both written and spoken. I believe that my writing skills, partnered with my unique knowledge, would make me an asset to your company. I have a MA in Economics from the American University in Cairo, with 3.54 GPA/4. I have conducted several researches in economics and finance using various research techniques. Throughout my work experience, I used to comp...

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Active over a week ago
🌱 Member since March 2022
Open to Full-time
Open to Part-time
Open to Relocation
Accepts Fiat
Accepts Crypto

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Member since March 2022