With more than 7 years of experience as a Data Analytics Specialist, and 6 years of experience as a Product Manager, I have a proven passion for developing innovative solutions that combine cutting-edge technology with a deep understanding of customers' needs.
I have a strong background in both market research and Agile methodology. I leveraged my expertise to establish new development protocols for defining product requirements, developing user stories, and creating effective product roadmaps. One of these protocols resulted in a 20% increase in annual revenue and were implemented company-wide.
After 6+ years of researching and investing i...
Tony Vaughn, a police officer from the Kentucky provincial town of Vicco, was asked by the United States to pay his salary to the BTC. In 2013! When few knew about bitcoin at all. What can be said about paying with it? After conducting their own research, the city commission nevertheless agreed to such conditions. All his salary began to be converted into bitcoins and automatically transferred to a wallet. This was probably the first time that a public servant was paid in crypto. The average Police Officer salary in Kentucky is around $54,000 per year, and the Bitcoin price was over $1,000 then. So, any crypto savings that Vaughn kept has been revalued by around 5,300% so far. Not bad.
Member since November 2022