Quantitative Trading Strategy Developer

Web3 Talent

I am specifically interested in crypto, as my Ph.D. research was about financial technologies. I became a Data Scientist with the long-term purpose of working in the crypto-space.

Most of my development projects involve Python.

  • For instance, I have built a reporting pipeline with pandas, jupyter notebooks, and seaborn with great results for our project:
  • I also contribute on Stackoverflow about Python and pandas questions from time to time: https://stackoverflow.com/users/7648578/nocibambi?tab=profile.

I have delivered machine learning solutions in health, energy, and IT, solving supervised and unsupervised problems. I have...

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Active over a week ago
Budapest, Hungary
🌱 Member since February 2022
Open to Full-time
Open to Part-time
Open to Relocation
Accepts Fiat
Accepts Crypto

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Member since February 2022