EverMarkets Jobs

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EMX’s mission is to enable fair, stable and powerful access to global futures markets by utilizing blockchain technology and our deep industry experience. Our senior leadership is made up of industry leading experts from Citadel, AQR, Microsoft, Amazon, Citigroup and Deutsche Bank. Unlike most startups, we are fully funded with strong backing from top blockchain VCs such as Kenetic and Hashed as well as industry players such as crypto exchanges and wallet providers.

We aim to work closely with our strategic investors/partners to expand our technology and vision across multiple market segments including trading, lending, investment and research.

Working at EMX means you will be challenged to perform at your maximum potential. We maintain an environment that fosters and celebrates innovation and dedication. The organization is structured as a hive, made up of small and agile teams able to take advantages of opportunities quickly and efficiently. We are driving innovations in derivatives markets and employ world class professions in the areas of trading, alpha-development, machine learning, legal, blockchain development and research.

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