Spacemesh Jobs

Over the past few years, it’s been impossible not to notice that crypto has been on the rise. And yet, the people benefitting from crypto are overwhelming those who are already doing pretty well for themselves. What’s more: the most recognizable cryptocurrency is consuming massive amounts of energy at a time when we’re in the grips of a climate crisis.
But we say, enough is enough. It’s time to bring crypto and DeFi to the masses—without damaging the environment.
At Spacemesh, our mission is to build a layer-one crypto protocol with a resource that many ordinary people already have: unused computer storage space. Our protocol is also race-free, meaning that everybody gets their fair share of mining rewards. Low barrier to entry and proportional rewards means that nobody will ever be priced out, keeping coin distribution fair and ensuring decentralization.
This way, we’ll bring crypto to the masses.
Open roles at Spacemesh
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