3d WebGL & blockchain game developer

3d WebGL & blockchain game developer
Web3 Talent


Experienced Game Developer | Graphics Engineer with a demonstrated history of working in the Game Development industry and field of 2D/3D Rendering. Skilled in Unity3D, WebGL, Casual Games, Gameplay Programming, Multiplayer, PC, Console, Web, and Mobile Games. I have worked on world-class projects in India as well as in Malaysia, China, Singapore, UK, USA on-site. And freelance for worldwide clients. GAME ENGINES

  • Unity3D, Unreal Engine, GameMaker WEB GAME ENGINES
  • HTML5 Canvas, WebGL, ThreeJS, BabylonJS, PlayCanvas, Construct3, PixiJS, ImpactJS, Phaser.IO GAME DESIGNS
  • Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Flash, 3D Max, Maya, Spine, ...
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Active over a week ago
🚀 In crypto since 2020
🌱 Member since June 2024
Accepts Crypto
Open to Full-time
Open to Part-time
Open to Relocation
Accepts Fiat

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Member since June 2024