Move Salary
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The average Move salary (globally) is $77,527 per year.
Salary estimates are based on anonymous submissions by Moves, website users just like you and collected from past and present job posts.
per year
per year
(Bottom 10%)
(Bottom 10%)
per year
(Top 10%)
(Top 10%)
Once your submission is reviewed by the community, you'll get access to all salary reports. Review process might take a day or two, so please check this page in a few hours."
Updated Jan 04, 2025Like these stats? — Ask your friends to contribute. Post
Annual Web3 Salaries for Key Roles
Role | Mean Annual Salary | Min Annual Salary. P10 | Max Annual Salary. P90 |
Legal | $105,996 | $30,000 | $250,000 |
Product | $102,032 | $30,000 | $180,000 |
Sales | $101,716 | $25,000 | $180,000 |
Solidity | $101,056 | $22,000 | $180,000 |
Finance | $92,700 | $30,000 | $160,000 |
Developer | $84,411 | $20,000 | $150,000 |
Marketing | $77,065 | $18,000 | $150,000 |
Design | $75,466 | $15,000 | $145,000 |
Community | $45,721 | $10,000 | $100,000 |