ETH - Smart Contract Designer

Web3 Talent

have experience working as a Blockchain Professor at George Brown College in Toronto, where I taught at one of the first blockchain programs in the world. I taught students how to build basic smart contracts to building SDK’s for their applications, followed by building end-to-end Dapps. I also have experience as a Full Stack Developer Intern, working on technologies such as ReactJS, Redux Saga, NodeJS, ExpressJS, Java Spring, and MySQL. Prior to this, I also worked as a Core Blockchain Developer, working on a level 2 scaling solution on Ethereum allowing users to spend cryptocurrency in real time. I gained significant experience working wit...

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Active over a week ago
🌱 Member since April 2020
Open to Part-time
Open to Full-time
Open to Relocation
Accepts Fiat
Accepts Crypto

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Member since April 2020