Blockchain/Full Stack/Game/Mobile developer

Blockchain/Full Stack/Game/Mobile developer
Web3 Talent


Experienced Game/Mobile/Blockchain Developer adept in all stages of advanced development. Able to effectively self-manage during independent projects, as well as possess excellent analytical skills and the ability to work in a team environment. Proficient in Unity, C# programming language, game physics, and mechanics. I am also comfortable working with many languages and platforms and has dedicated myself to developing frontend and mobile app using React and React Native as well as developing back-end applications using Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB. Also, I am recently dedicating myself to developing blockchain and Metaverse game us...

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Active 1 year ago
🚀 In crypto since 2016
🌱 Member since May 2023
AngularReactjsNext.jsVuejsVuexTypeScriptTailWind CSSMaterialBootstrapAntdReduxWebpackBabelGulpWebsocketGraphQLES6+Three.js3D MaxWebGlPotreePythonNodeExpressDjangoGoLangASP.NETLaravelCodeIgniterApolloNginxApacheReact-NativeFlutterIonicMysqlMongoDBPostgreSQLFirebaseFirestoreMariaDBRedisSolidityERC-20RustDappDefiEthereumPolygonSolanaDockerSwaggerDevopsCicdNotionGithubBitBucketLambdaRoute53DynamoDBHerokuJiraTrelloKubernetesUnitJava
Accepts Crypto
Open to Full-time
Open to Part-time
Open to Relocation
Accepts Fiat

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Member since May 2023