Research Engineer, CryptoEconLab

Protocol Labs is a research, development, and deployment institution for improving Internet technology. Protocol Labs leads groundbreaking internet projects, such as IPFS, the decentralized web protocol; Filecoin, a cryptocurrency incentivized storage network; and libp2p, a modular network stack for peer-to-peer apps and systems. Protocol Labs works openly, and is focused on the creation of value at a massive scale.

About CryptoEconLab

CryptoEconLab at PL aspires to become a research hub for research on economic incentives, coordination games, and novel marketplaces. We aim to develop capacity to design, validate, deploy, and govern large-scale economic systems. CryptoEconLab strives to empower projects in the ecosystem through novel incentives and advance humanity’s understanding of multiagent systems and algorithmic steering of economic networks.

Research Engineering at Protocol Labs

Our research scientists and engineers are granted both the freedom to develop their knowledge by working on novel applications, and a responsibility to contribute those skills toward advancing the flagship projects of Protocol Labs.  

We believe in an Open Source and Open Collaboration approach to creation. We keep our egos checked at the door and work as a team to tackle the many hard research and engineering challenges required to make systems resilient.

As a CryptoEconLab Research Engineer at Protocol Labs, you will...

  • Design, propose, and prototype changes and improvements to IPFS, Filecoin and many other incentivized protocols.
  • Collect, pipeline, and process on-chain and off-chain data to facilitate research and derive insights to drive business strategies and protocol governance.
  • Design and build predictive models and simulations for ecosystem growth and network governance.
  • Prototype and iterate new incentive structures, protocols, and applications from our research. 
  • Work with stakeholders in the ecosystem to drive growth and enable new opportunities.
  • Work in a fully asynchronous and remote team.

Minimum Qualifications:

  • BS or MS in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Mathematics or a related field, or extensive practical experience.
  • Programming experience and proficiency in one or more of the following: Rust, Golang, Python, JavaScript
  • Good systems engineering skills with previous proven experience.
  • Able to be critical against proposed or adopted solutions, but in a constructive way.
  • Adept at lifting new software projects single-handedly, if necessary.
  • Comfortable getting your proposals reviewed and criticized in detail in favor of finding the optimal solution.
  • Able to adapt your mode of operation to fit with the team's guidelines for collaboration.
  • Self-driven and independent, capable of seeking and learning the necessary tools and technologies to complete your tasks.
  • Understand the value of performance critical aspects of software, and related tradeoffs.

Highly-valued bonus points include:

  • Prior knowledge or contributions to the IPFS, libp2p, and/or Filecoin projects.
  • Past experience with simulation, protocol engineering, smart contract development
  • Existing knowledge of optimizing memory and compute bound programs.
  • Prior experience in Web3 protocol development.
  • Proven experience in developing robust, reusable, and maintainable code.
  • Proven experience in developing reproducible experiments and simulations.
  • Prior contributions to open-source projects.


Listed in: Cryptocurrency Jobs, Remote Crypto Jobs, Research Crypto Jobs, Developer Web3 Jobs, Engineering Crypto Jobs, Web3 Web3 Jobs, Golang Web3 Jobs, Rust Web3 Jobs, Python Crypto Jobs, JavaScript Crypto Jobs, Data Crypto Jobs, Full Time Web3 Jobs.