Tetrix Network Jobs

Tetrix is an interconnected ecosystem that aims to bridge the gap among all blockchain projects.
This, in effect, creates a unified community which allows a more convenient environment for integration.
The Tetrix Network is a project that began in 2020 as an effort to change the way blockchains are designed and developed for the digital space where communities, enterprises, governments, and individuals interact and coexist in the same ecosystem. The overall focus beyond a particular set of innovations is to provide a sustainable ecosystem that better accounts for the needs of its users as well as other system projects seeking integration. In the spirit of many open source projects, Tetrix did not begin with a comprehensive roadmap or even an authoritative white paper. Rather, it embraces a collection of design principles, engineering best practices, and avenues for exploration.
Tetrix Network is a project of Viridian Technologies, Inc.
Open roles at Tetrix Network
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