ZetaChain - Fullstack Engineer

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Jun 24

Est. Compensation: $80k - $100k

Stack: TypeScript, Node.js, React, Next.js, Ethers.js, GraphQL, Solidity

Experience: 5+ YOE

Location: Argentina, Uruguay

About ZetaChain

Our mission is to build the most secure, simple, and affordable way to move value and information across blockchains and layers. We envision a truly fluid crypto ecosystem that enables more users and developers to onboard and experience the benefits of crypto without friction. We create a space for any blockchain to converge, including existing blockchains like Ethereum and Bitcoin and any other new blockchains that might come about in the future.

In a truly open internet, where users own their data and assets, they need optionality and the ability to easily and securely move across blockchains and applications without lock-in to one ecosystem.ZetaChain provides this freedom.


  • Our tech stack

    • Infrastructure: Docker, Kubernetes, AWS

    • Protocol: Go (Cosmos SDK, go-ethereum, btcsuite, Tendermint Core)

    • Smart contracts: Solidity, Rust, Hardhat

    • Frontend: Typescript, Next.js, Redux toolkit, Ethers.js, tRPC, GraphQL

    • Others: Yarn3 monorepo, Vercel, GitHub actions

  • Location

    • Remote

  • What you’ll do

    • Get paid to write open-source software (probably what you always wanted)

    • Work with Typescript

    • Work on new products that bring our omnichain technology to end-users

    • Work on data-heavy, high-traffic (millions of unique users during the last month) backends

Your skills and experience

  • Base experience

    • Full-stack engineering experience with a focus on the backend.

    • Solid Knowledge of JS frameworks such as Node, Nest, and React.

    • Cloud Technology experience (GCP, AWS, Azure)

    • Experience building products from scratch

  • Bonuses

    • A balanced experience between working at startups and big tech companies

    • Curiosity and knowledge about blockchains

Interview process

  • Silver.dev Screening

  • Technical Live Coding

  • Technical System Design

  • Behavioral interview

  • Take - Home challenge

Listed in: Crypto Jobs, Remote Web3 Jobs, Web3 Crypto Jobs, Developer Crypto Jobs, Engineering Web3 Jobs, Rust Crypto Jobs, React Web3 Jobs, TypeScript Crypto Jobs, Frontend Crypto Jobs, Data Web3 Jobs, Solidity Crypto Jobs, Move Crypto Jobs, Cosmos Crypto Jobs, Ethereum Crypto Jobs, Node.js Web3 Jobs, Docker Web3 Jobs, Full Stack Crypto Jobs, Open Source Crypto Jobs, Kubernetes Web3 Jobs, Bitcoin Crypto Jobs, Full Time Crypto Jobs.

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100,000 - 100,000 USD / year
70 applications